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All you need is a phone!

From games to movies, from music to social media, dating, e-learning or software – all you need is your phone number. You can purchase your favorite gaming currency, music or software and simply have it charged directly to your phone bill. With a few clicks your selected product or service is on its way to you.

Use your mobile or your home phone – whatever is more convenient for you. We give you the choice because Pay900 works with ALL  phones.

Choose Pay900 as payment method

Simply call the service number provided, or choose to send a text message or any other method of your choice - and follow the instructions on the screen

Wait until the transaction is complete

The indicated amount will be directly charged to the phone bill


 Pay900 is the safe and easy way to pay fast for your virtual content online.

Pay without credit card

Just dial a phone number or text us a message (SMS) and you are all set: Pay900 allows you to charge your online purchases to your existing phone bill - instantly, safe and convenient.


With Pay900 you are able to pay in more than 60 countries worldwide. All you need is your phone, no matter if it's a mobile or landline phone.

Maximum security

Pay900 will never ask for your credit card number or any other personal information. No account or personal information is ever needed to make a payment, which means you are absolutely safe from identity theft, phishing and other popular forms of fraud.


Complete transparency

You will find all of your payments listed on your phone bill, complete with date, time, number dialled and call duration.